Level up with a monthly art competition!

11-Lisas Robot

11 Lisa's robot invention.jpg

april 2020

We love robots around here! So for this month’s prompt, we are gonna channel our inner engineers and create our own robots (as if we actually needed an excuse to draw a robot).

The prompt is: Lisa’s robot invention worked great, until it did this… Brought to you by Jake Parker.

Robots can be very challenging to draw, especially if you are not mechanically inclined. This is your chance to get into the nuts and bolts of drawing robots!


The Winners!


norman morana

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elia murray

Social Media


Our Competitors

april 2020 Submissions



If you want to turbocharge your training regimen before entering the arena, check out the art classes at svslearn.com! They are designed to strengthen your art skills and get you competition ready. Stream unlimited art classes, anytime anywhere!