Level up with a monthly art competition!

24-Fairy tale Inn

January 2021


April 2021

Our traveler needs a place to Wander Inn!

Last month the challenge was to design a Fairy Tale Traveler and make it your own.

This month we are going to build on that and design an inn or tavern for our traveler to bed for the night. Our brave young traveler is weary from a long day trekking through the hinterlands and needs a safe place to rest. It just so happens that there is a village nearby…

For this challenge, we want JUST the building design, no background! Building should be on white, and at a 3/4 angle.

Got it? Let’s go!


The Winners!


chris akins

Social Media

liz orton

Social Media


Our Competitors

april 2021 Submissions


If you want to turbocharge your training regimen before entering the arena, check out the art classes at svslearn.com! They are designed to strengthen your art skills and get you competition ready. Stream unlimited art classes, anytime anywhere!